Sexual Clarity for Christian Women
Reclaiming Your Sexual Identity After Betrayal
A study for Christian women who have been sexually betrayal.
Led by Bonny Logsdon Burns, APSATS-c
This course is a fresh perspective on what the Bible really says about who Yahweh created you to be and deep insight into godly, healthy sexuality. It’s not your typical Christian sex ed. class. It’s part Bible study, part science lab, part personal empowerment work to understand who you want to be.
It points to God’s powerful design for women and overflows with foundational truths from the Bible and healthy relational dynamics from decades of expert research. The class helps you decide what you need to be in a sexual relationship after betrayal. The homework helps you challenge the old rhetoric of “duty sex,” and “husband centric sex.” You will explore the contrast between healthy, godly marital sexual intimacy and unhealthy, “porn-style-of-relating” sex. Plus, much more!
After completion, you may also have a deeper relationship with the one who created it all.
I came out of this course feeling stronger and more confident as a women. I found a deeper part of myself coming alive after years of erosion and oppression. It brought clarity to who I am and give me permission to encourage and fan (into flame) all that God has called me to be in its fullness!!!
Healing from sexual wounding is possible.
Discovering you were betrayed through sexual infidelity or compulsivity is one of the most painful experiences a wife can endure. You’re probably wondering if you’ll ever want to engage sexually, again?
Healing from this betrayal and sexual wounding is possible. Sexual Clarity for Christian Women: Reclaiming Your Sexual Identity After Betrayal, helps you know you’re not alone in wanting to have better understanding of healthy, godly sexuality and sexual experience! By the end of this course, you’ll stand tall and take the wheel of who you are sexually as a Christian woman assertive empowerment filled with peace.
This curriculum was developed by me, Bonny Logsdon Burns. I am an APSATS certified partner coach with a long background in educating around marital sexual intimacy through a Christian lens. You can read more about me on my coaching page.
Bonny’s heart for women is phenomenal. It shows up in a clear and personal way, as she draws us each in to a safe place to discuss her material. It is transparently obvious that Bonny has brilliantly researched and created this material out of the needs of her own story.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this course right for me?
This course is right for a woman who:
- Has experienced sexual betrayal in her marriage and is at a place of stability in her trauma healing.
- Is confused about how she wants to view sexuality and sexual experience.
- Wants to have choice about her sexual identity.
- Wants a greater understanding of what God says about sexual intimacy.
- Wants a greater understanding of her rights inside the bedroom and outside the bedroom as a person of inherent worth, dignity, and value.
- Wants to understand how to create boundaries around her sexuality and sexual experience.
How much does this cost?
The cost to attend this 18-week, 9-module curriculum based support group is $500. Payment plans are available.
How much time do I invest?
You will invest around 3-5 hours per module to complete the homework. The small group meets for 90 minutes every other week. This gives you time to complete the homework. The class spans 18 weeks from start to finish.
What will be provided for the cost of this class?
- A pdf workbook is provided to you with information, Bible study, and a variety of expression around self-reflective questions.
- As a group, we process through the homework from the previous 2 weeks’ work.
- Zoom is used to gather together.
- The time spent together is 90 minutes every week.
- There is a maximum of 5 participants.
- The cost of this 18-week, 9-module small group is $500.
What if I am separated or divorced from my husband?
While the curriculum does mention relational skills at certain points, you do not have to be married to take this class.
This class is designed to give you greater understanding of the components within a healthy godly sexual relationship and can help a separated or divorced woman know what healthy sexuality looks like.
Is this class from a Christian viewpoint?
Yes, this class is specific to Christian marital sexual intimacy. However, this class looks at the many facets that create a healthy sexual identity. Some topics are from secular sources but they do not contradict what scripture teaches. I present science and undergird it with a Christian foundation. All truth is God’s truth.
Is Sexual Clarity for Christian Women a small group or a class?
Sexual Clarity for Christian Women is a curriculum-based small group. At times there is education and at times you will be sharing your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. All the while, you are supported by an APSATS certified partner coach. My niche is sexual intimacy after betrayal.
Why is Bonny leading a sexual identity class for betrayed wives?
I am leading this class because I understand the confusion around sexual engagement with a man in active addiction and with a man in good recovery. Yes, it can even be confusing when your husband is in good recovery.
I am leading this class because God has equipped me to do so. I have been researching and writing about Christian sexual relationship and ethics since 2012. I am now filtering what I learned through the lens of betrayal because I am a betrayed partner.
I am a certified partner coach through the Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists (APSATS). I am a certified executive associate coach (ACC) ethically committed through the International Coaching Federation (ICF). I also am trained around the Early Recovery Couples Empathy Model (ERCEM) and Betrayed Families.
You can find me speaking on healthy, godly sexual intimacy with three other writes on the podcast, Sex Chat for Christian Wives. Read more about me here.
This course was truly life changing. I learned what true biblical sexuality is. Now, I’m able to see sex as a good and precious gift.
What will be covered
Do I have a sexual identity?
I'm struggling with God.
What is God's design of sexual experience?
How does trauma rupture my sexual identity?
Do I trust what God says about sex?
Female Sexual Structure and Function
What's grief got to do with it?
Jesus is our safe haven.
Healthy Sex vs. Unhealthy Sex
Getting Started is Easy
Free 20 Min Chat
To further explore whether this class is right for you, submit your request for a free 20-minute chat through the form below.
Register and Downpayment
To secure your spot in the next group, click the heart icon above. A $50 non-refundable downpayment will securely hold your spot.
Book Appointment
If you’d like an individual one hour coaching session with Bonny, book an appointment by clicking the icon above.
What can you gain from this small group?

Exclusive Workbook
The material you will use is not available anywhere else. It is written by me, Bonny Logsdon Burns.

Even the apostle Paul states that sexual intimacy is a mystery. However, there are some things we can be sure of about God’s design of sexuality and sexual intimacy.

With other betrayed wives, you’ll be seen and heard. There is a great possibility you’ll develop a few close friends through this group. Most of all, you will be supported as you grapple forward to greater understanding of the most vulnerable aspect of your identity.
Contact Me
Request more information about the next Sexual Clarity group by submitting this form.
Indicate whether you would like a morning or afternoon call.